Despite the hard times our planet is facing right now, and the anguish and suffering faced by many across the disparate lands, one thing that stands out clearly is that us humans are a beautiful race. Not just on the outside, but also on the inside.
Below is a series of stunning photographs that have been making the rounds on the internet of late and we have compiled them for your viewing pleasure.
Be nice to one another and see the beauty all around us – and in all of us!
CHINA: Kid pulls up his alcoholic father
JAPAN: The enchanting & mystifying Geisha
SYRIA: He is a rebel fighter. He is 7 years old.
USA: Taking a break from the festivities of Burning Man
USA: This gorgeous couple in Iowa finally get legally married after 72 years together
Nineveh Province of northern Iraq: A Yezidi girl arms herself with an assault rifle to protect her family from ISIS
“I’m fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.”
The family getting together for an everyday meal in Syberia
Afghanistan: They say the eyes are the windows to the soul..
SIBERIA: She survived 11 days in dense forest
INDIA: A Nihang Sikh warrior in the holy city of Amritsar by the Golden Temple
Malagasy girl walks among the Baobab trees
THAILAND: A monk and his brother. Two worlds united
MONGOLIA: The 13 year old eagle huntress stands tall
PALESTINE: A Palestinian girl with a Kalashnikov rifle, amid Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza City
CHINA: Complete strangers try to save a women who attempted to commit suicide on a bus
The proud son of a poor farmer who graduated from University
INDIA: A 2 year old street kid feeding his handicapped mother
INDIA: Blind albino boys in their boarding room at a mission school for the blind in West Bengal, India, 2013
CHINA: The face of a Chinese coal miner